Luxury Jewerly Pearl Store
Hong Kong, China | Moscow, Russia

  • UX/UI design
  • SMM design
  • Packaging design
  • Print material preparation
  • Photo and video shooting
  • Presentation design
  • Web layout design for email campaigns
  • Working with POS materials

First, I analyzed how to make the existing design more modern and premium while maintaining a minimalist style—identifying which elements needed improvement and which should be preserved. After defining the approach to refining the current design, I began working on the website, followed by other brand assets..


  • Completed a full website redesign in a short time, developing 20+ pages and streamlining the process from design to development.
  • Successfully tackled a task that previous designers couldn't complete in a year.
  • Created 50+ design concepts for events and masterclasses.
  • Retouched 600+ photos of jewelry and models.
  • Helped the company attract new brand partners and expand its product range.
Website redesign, event design for site and social media, outdoor ad, typography, photo & video shooting, presentations.
магазин ювелирных люкс украшений из жемчуга
Main Page site redesign
Banners and emails
Photo Shooting